Saturday, July 12, 2008 tired...

This was too cute, I just had to post it - Jonathan was fighting sleep the other night and when he does he'll often sit up or stand up in the crib. We found him folded over after he fell asleep in the sitting position... it made us laugh.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

9 months

Jonathan had his 9 month well-baby check last Friday. He is weighing 24lbs & 5oz and is 29 1/2 inches long - which finally put him "on the charts" but he's still in the 95% for weight and 90% for length. Everything looked good and we have a clean bill of health.

Kyle had to travel again at the beginning of June and we were afraid that Jonathan was going to be crawling before Kyle got home... but the only 'trick' he started was doing a push-up.

Eating is getting more interested - sometimes a battle of wills over who controls the spoon (usually he ends up with one and I end up with one). He loves fruits and tolerates the veggies we feed him. He loves picking up Cheerios and banana pieces to feed himself.

About 3 weeks ago we noticed 3 teeth breaking through his top gums at the same time. He doesn't seem too bothered by them. It also appears there may be another coming in on the bottom. These new chompers haven't caused too much problems for nursing...although I'll wait to further comment until they're really grown in.
We enjoyed making Kyle a Father's Day gift (a DAD tshirt with Jonathan's handprints on it) and Jonathan even gave him the card!
It's becoming obvious that we really need to get our baby-proofing done now that Jonathan has started pulling up to standing and army crawling. He can also sit-up on his own and we found him sitting up in his crib the other morning so Kyle lowered the mattress. He's becoming a daredevil with these new skills - falling straight back for us to catch him and leaning back to get upside-down when we're holding him. (see the video included here)