Jonathan has turned 18 months and has had an explosion of vocabulary and dexterity! We can't even count all the words he says now - but he often tells us: "I dropped it," "I fell down," or "I throw it" - along with naming lots of animals and objects and just general babble. His little face is so animated, you just know he's saying something important!
He likes to sing and say nursery rhymes - well, he finishes them. Like with Daddy, Jonathan adds the "doo-dah","day" and "bay" to
"Camptown Ladies". And with Mommy he finishes "Hickory Dickory Dock" with "dock", "Clock," "one," "down"...
Jonathan enjoys his kids shows like Handy Manny, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Backyardigans - but he also gets excited when Wheel of Fortune comes on in the evenings! It cracks us up to hear him squealing "wheel! wheel!" with the intro starts... he knows what's coming!
Jonathan doesn't quite grasp that things are getting ready to change - we will be moving to our new home on May 1st. Then 2 months later the new baby will arrive... the only thing he knows is that there are lots of boxes to play in and that Mommy's belly is big. We talk about baby brother, but that's so far in the future for him.
We were able to enjoy a quick 4-day get-away (toddler free) thanks to all t
he traveling Kyle has done in the last year. It was nice to have some time to relax before life gets really crazy. We had perfect weather in Jamaica and the traveling portion went off without a hitch. Now, it's back to boxes and preparing for the baby...
Here's a little video of Jonathan singing with Daddy's binder that he uses when leading worship at NC3: