Tuesday, October 23, 2007

1 Month

One Month? Can it really have been that long ago that our little boy was born? (about this time Kyle would break into "Sunrise, Sunset" from Fiddler on the Roof)... We can already see that Jonathan is responding to us and his smile just melts our hearts.

We've noticed in recent weeks that he likes to stretch all out, into what we call his Superman stretch. Kyle also caught him in the picture above, as we were all getting ready for church this past Sunday.

We're still figuring out breastfeeding and scheduling, but are optimistic that we'll all get the hang of it soon. Our moms have been a great help in giving Cheryl a chance to nap, shower and just relax. What a blessing to have them both in town!

We're off for a group picture tonight with all of our buddies that had babies this summer (9 in all!) Hopefully the poor photographer can get a couple of shots with most of the babies looking in the right direction!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

3 weeks

We've made it through another week and it seems things continue to change - just when we think we have things figured out...he changes on us! :o) He is still eating well. In fact, Cheryl weighed herself and then weighed herself holding Jonathan and the difference was close to 12 lbs!! So, even though she still feels like she's figuring out the whole breastfeeding thing, he's getting plenty!

We've made several excursions in the last week - met some friends for a devotional, went to watch Daddy play softball one night and then joined the family for dinner at Cracker Barrel (our first attempt at breastfeeding in public), dinner date to Olive Garden and even a shopping trip to Target. As we get the hang of getting everything together and getting out the door, excursions don't seem so cumbersome (although they're much easier when Mommy & Daddy take Jonathan out together).

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

2 Weeks

We've made through the first 2 weeks with some ups and downs. After some marathon feeding and Cheryl developing mastitis, the end of week 2 was a little rough. BUT, it seems the feedings are paying off - when we left the hospital on 9/25, Jonathan was down to 8lbs 15oz, 2 days later he was back up to 9lbs 2oz and as of his 2 week appointment on 10/8 he now weighs 10lbs 7oz. Our boy knows how to eat! Our sleep schedule is getting a little better too. So Mommy isn't quite so tired (or emotional) :o)

Jonathan Grant

On September 23rd, at 2:10AM, our 9lb 12oz bundle of joy - Jonathan Grant - made his debut. Being 10 days early, you can imagine our surprise at his size. We expected at least an 8 lb baby, and thought he might be close to 9lbs, but we were weren't prepared for him to be almost 10 lbs!! (He didn't quite beat Daddy who weighed in at 9lbs 13oz at birth.)