Sunday, December 30, 2007

3 Months

Our little man is up to 19 lbs (ugh!) - needless to say, Mommy's arms are getting quite the workout! He continues to get stronger: looking around, pushing with his legs when we lean him against our chests, arching his back, and twisting to look around when laying on the floor... We also enjoy that he will now watch us walk from one side of the room to the other. Of course his smiles continue to melt our hearts!

Jonathan and Daddy matched on the Sunday before Christmas - the Grinch was rampant in our house this year! But we had fun with Christmas regardless - Mommy wouldn't let the Grinch steal our joy!

We had many presents to open and the Grandparents loved doting on Jonathan! Of course, we had to open everything for him - we're sure that next year we won't be able to keep him out of the paper!

Monday, December 17, 2007

12 weeks - Growing Boy

So much has changed in just a week! After a not-so-restful weekend last week, on Monday night Jonathan slept almost 7 hrs straight at night...and the rest of the week he stayed pretty consistent, sleeping about 6 1/2 each night! Needless to say, Mommy & Daddy are feeling much more rested! The longer nights, seem to be coinciding with shorter naps in the daytime, so I'm not feeling like I'm getting as much done, but, I'll take the uninterrupted sleep at night for sure! We're still putting him in his car seat at night, but he's in his crib in his room... we may regress a little when we actually put him flat in the crib, but we know he can make it for long stretches at any rate and that's encouraging!

Jonathan weighed about 17 lbs, 12 oz this week... so he's definitely not hurting for food! Breastfeeding is going much better overall and while I considered giving it up a few weeks ago, at this stage I feel like I can continue for awhile.
Another thing that we've been marveling at is how well Jonathan is starting to hold his head up. We've put him on his stomach for "tummy time" for several weeks and he only got his head close to horizontal to the ground - I could tell he was looking up with his eyes, but he couldn't get his chin up high enough to look forward. On Saturday, he raised his chin up higher than he ever has and was able to look in the little mirror on his activity mat. He is growing and changing so much!

We also got to visit with Grandad again & Aunt Karen (who met Jonathan for the first time) - Jonathan was great and performed all of his 'tricks' for her (singing with Daddy, smiling, raising his head...)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

11 weeks

Jonathan is up to 17 lbs and is 24 inches long. His newest discovery is his hands and he sucks on them constantly (which means he drools all over the place!)... He hasn't quite found his thumb, but he can get half of his fist in his mouth.

We think he's going to be a sensitive little guy - when I was changing him the other night, I had just finished putting a clean diaper on him when I heard a pretty good 'rumble down under' - I jokingly scolded him and he immediately pushed out his bottom lip and was about to cry - I quickly changed my face and tone to cheer him up and he smiled...but it about broke my heart to see that pouty lip!

I've taken on a new full-time job - mothering Jonathan! I turned in my resignation at the IU Foundation just after Thanksgiving. As my leave was ending, we realized that it would be great for us to take the opportunity for me to stay home while we were able to make it work. It's bitter-sweet, because I loved IUF and the people I worked with, but after waiting for a baby for 3 years, it just made sense for me to stay home with him!

We did get our Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving (a tradition that I've insisted on since we got married and Kyle thinks is torture). And in the afternoon there were 2 presents under the tree (a tradition that Kyle started when we put up the tree the first time... and I think is torture). As you can see, Kyle has caved on letting Jonathan wear Christmas attire... (this was a gift from Aunt Beth)