Sunday, November 4, 2007

6 Weeks

We've made it to 6 weeks! Breastfeeding is going MUCH better, which helps Cheryl deal with the lack of sleep we are getting (or not getting, so to speak). Jonathan in just this last week has started sleeping on a 4hr-3hr-1hr pattern at night, so the sleep deprivation is also getting better.

Jonathan is really starting to pay attention to us, which makes Mommy & Daddy feel good. He now smiles when we play with him and even 'coos' a little now and then too. We spend our waking hours singing, reading, talking, swinging and playing on the activity mat. He doesn't like to be left alone for too long while he's awake...but then he's not awake for that long anyway!
Jonathan is now just over 14 lbs and is about 23 1/2 inches long. He feels twice as heavy when we pick him up at 2 in the morning, though! :o)
We spent Jonathan's first Halloween in Spencer at the Sullenbergers, where they have been known to have between 600-800 trick-or-treaters (we're not exaggerating!). Of course, our dear friends, Mary, Thom & Justice were there too. Jonathan didn't really scare anyone with his Boo outfit..but he looked awfully cute!


Unknown said...

Kyle & Cheryl
I sending my belated congratulations...Jonathan is absolutley beautiful in every way. Hannah has been looking at the photos when I get online to check your blog. We can't wait to meet him. I'll call every soon to see when we can come for a visit.
Keep up the good work and talk to you soon!

Miracle said...

Hey! Good to see you guys on here. I'll put your link on my blog so I can check up on the little cutie when I log on!